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Are you wondering what to mix with whiskey besides soda? Then you’re in the right place. In this article, we will show you our favourite alcoholic beverage recipe, and what to mix with it. These are a few cocktail recipes that we have served our guests and friends at home after a nice evening dinner. Many of these recipes have not been heard of before. So, get out your cocktail glasses and bartending tools, let’s begin!

What To Mix With Whiskey Besides Soda?

Coca cola is the first thing we like to mix with whiskey. Coke and whiskey are almost the same variation of rum and coke. Rum, coke and lime originated from Cuba, and soon spread around the world for all whiskey lovers to enjoy. 

So to mix whiskey and Coke, all you need are 2 ounces of whiskey and half a can of Coca cola. Once you’ve mixed both drinks, gently stir for about less than 20 seconds, and there you have it! A drink fit for a wonderful and relaxing evening. That’s one way of how to drink whiskey.

Another whiskey drink recipe is to add citrus. We recommend buying Timah Whiskey, a double peated whiskey drink that has a hint of floral bouquet scent and flavour and slice a lime in half, and then squeeze the lime juice into your Timah Whiskey drink. It gives your alcoholic beverage a zingy yet alcoholic finish to the drink. 

Lastly, our final recipe is to mix whiskey with grape juice. This is a fairly simple recipe, and a good one to serve your friends and guests at your home when looking for a relaxing evening. To start with, prepare some fresh lime wedges, mint leaves and ice. Then, mix the grape juice and whiskey together with the lime wedges and pour them into individual glasses with the mint leaves. 

These are our top favourite recipes of what to mix with whiskey besides soda. Go on and try it out for yourself and see if you like it. Experiment and try different combinations, and you’ll find the favourite mix for your whiskey drink!

How To Drink Whiskey

If you still want more whiskey drink recipes or ideas of how to drink whiskey, then head over to our favourite whiskey drink website, Timah Whiskey. They have a whole list of mixtures that you can try for yourself today.