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Visiting the dentist may be intimidating especially for younger kids. In fact, many adults still do feel uncomfortable when going to the dentist. Pediatric dentists are specialized dentists that have the necessary training and qualifications to deal with younger children. In simple terms, they are dentists for kids.

Why is there a need for pediatric dentists?
Children usually start to get their first baby teeth when they are around 6 months of age. This is known also as deciduous, baby or primary teeth. By the time they are around 6 or 7 years old, these will start to be replaced by permanent teeth. Other than physiological differences, children also tend to be more nervous when visiting a dentist. This nervousness usually results in erratic behavior and emotions that a normal dentist may be unable to cope with.

Children are at higher risk of having poor oral hygiene. Most children enjoy sweet food and drinks while not having the proper oral care. If left unattended, it may result in oral decay or diseases that may affect him/her throughout her life.

How to be a pediatric dentist?
To get fully qualified as a pediatric dentist, you would have to first complete dental school that is recognized by the Malaysian Dental Council, which is usually around four years of a Bachelors in Dentistry. After that, you have to complete three years of post registration experience in dentistry. Then you are qualified to apply for a specialization in Pediatric Dentistry, which could take up to another 4 years.

Where can you find a pediatric dentist in Malaysia?
Dentist for kids are not necessarily uncommon in Malaysia, its just that there are many that advertise themselves as being pediatric dentists without actually having the qualifications. They may only have more experience in handling younger patients, but lack the proper training needed.

This is why you should always look for proper certifications and documents at the dental clinic. Trained pediatric dentists are given the proper training and knowledge to handle younger patients more effectively, and most importantly – safely.

ST Tiew Dental Group is the largest dentist group in Malaysia with over 1.3 million Malaysians served. All of our dentists are professionally trained and accredited by the Malaysian Dental Council. If your kid’s sweet tooth is bothering him/her, you can make an appointment at any of our 54 locations nationwide.